dLook Privacy Policy

dLook Pty Ltd has a commitment to privacy in accordance with the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act, 2013 (the Act, 1988). This privacy policy covers all personal information that dLook holds or encompasses with the dLook Terms of Use.

  • Collection of information: Whenever dLook collects personal information from you we will do so in a lawful and fair way.

  • Disclosing information: dLook will only disclose personal information in accordance with the Act.

  • Security: dLook takes reasonable steps to ensure that the information we collect is protected from loss, misuse or disclosure.

  • Opt Out: In accordance with the Act and the Spam Act 2003, direct marketing offers and commercial electronic messages will contain an opportunity to opt out.

You have the right to seek access to most personal information dLook holds about you. To do so contact the dLook Privacy Officer by email: (privacy@dlook.com.au).